At the mention of Semiliki, Nocturnal Bird watching comes to mind. Located in Bundibugyo district and sited on 220 km2, this is one of the richest areas for forest birds in Africa with over 400 bird species recorded. A large number of predominantly Central African species reach the eastern limit of their distribution here and cannot be found anywhere else in East Africa. Some of the continent’s most spectacular and sought-after birds such as; Congo Serpent Eagle, Long-tailed Hawk, Nkulengu Rail, Black-watt led Hornbill and Lyre-tailed Honey guide. 53 species of mammals have been recorded from the park including entle (Blue) Monkeys, Olive Baboon and Guereza Colobus, De Brazza’s.30 species of butterflies have been identified, including 46 species of forest Swallowtails and Charaxes (75% of Uganda’s total) and at least 235 species of moths
have been classified as restricted. There are also 305 species of trees recorded, of which 125 species are restricted to this park alone